This afternoon we had our first group meeting after a long week of finance and economics exams and I am feeling much more confident about our project. Our group, teamBIT, is making a database for Dance Marathon. Here is a link to the site if you are interested in participating or learning more about it. Originally when we were discussing if this would be feasible, we weren't sure if there would be enough information to make a 12 entity diagram. However, after writing our first E-R diagram today, we realized how wrong we were. There were so many different parts of this organization that could benefit from being in a table that we were forced to pick and choose which information would be best to use. We successfully created an E-R diagram relating different aspects and information about the actual dancers and teams, but could easily create another whole diagram for the financial part of the organization and maybe even another for the food and entertainment aspects of the marathon. After trying to organize all of the data for this project, I can't even imagine what it would be like to create a database for a real business or a huge corporation!